Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Introducing Amoxtl

Amoxtl is a Dogo Argentino that is aproximately three years old, he was adopted from a wonderful rescue group called Dogo Argentino Education Rescue and Rehab or DAERRs. According to Amox's rescuing angels he was in a shelter in Georgia and then brought to the Carolinas to stay with an awesome great boarding kennel where Amox had a chance to get better and get more love and attention while he waited for his family.
While his rescue angel, was boarding him she searched for the right home, and she remembered me and my situaion with foster care teens. And I had expressed interest in helping out this awesome dogo. So we had a family meeting at my house, and the teens all agreed to pitch in and so we met with Amox's rescue angel and we brought him home.
Well, when my eldest teen saw Amox he fell in love with him and claimed him as his own. Their relationship grew and they totally hit it off. Amox worked therapy on my eldest, it was beautiful to watch them together, as my eldest tried to avoid the world gaming, he'd nuzzle against him remind him to stop and enjoy things.
I was amazed watching this totally unexpected development between them. They spent many hours sleeping in together, wrestling, gaming, watching movies curled up against each other, this gang-banging, emotionally issued man boy who usually refused any physical closeness thrived with Amox's attention.

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