Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We are working on staying off the furniture. Amox is no longer allowed to be on the bed or the couch - he's slowly tests the bed occasionally but the couch is a constant trial between the two of us. I know he sleeps on it now, I'm debating whether I should let him be in the smaller bedroom that I'm basically using for storage, and how that would go in dog-view.
Its interesting that ever since he's been removed from "possessing" the couch or the bed, he's a lot more compliant with certain things, so that is an improvement.

We are also working on his command to "watch out", I think he likes it, his body language speaks volumes as far as noticing, he likes his "job". When I notice that he is watching out, his body gets stiff, he may cock his head to one side depending where the sound is coming from, he is completely paying attention to the smell and sounds coming from the outside. When I see it I give him praise, when he barks and acts appropriate to weird noises outside, I give him a special treat that's specifically for that command. The good thing is when I tell him, thank you for letting me know he stops the barking, unless he hears more. Amox gets sooooo happy when its acknowledged and he gets rewarded for "watching out". So I think that makes him feel utilized and his confidence is built all which makes me happy.
I can't wait till I feel better and we can start going out. Its raining ice here, so he was wondering what the heck I was going to do when we were going outside, the idea didn't appeal much to him.

We haven't really been out much since I've been sick, but I am thankfully, starting to feel better but the weather has been keeping me indoors as well, as I'm scared to get sick again.

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